KoEx Pty Ltd

Why is KoEx Pty Ltd a world wide market leader in extrusion technology and cooking systems?




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The friction disk extruder produces both Baked and Fry-Type twists using degermed corn grits, polished rice grits, lentils, peas etc.


The friction disk extruder is designed for high productivity, at both high and low throughput, which is achieved by integrating a sophisticated mechanical design with advanced control systems.


The cooking extruder is designed to produce up to 2400 kg per hour of cooked, expanded or formed pellets or collets for the production of pet food, stock feed, fish food or human food such as snacks and breakfast cereals.


The grain extruder is designed to produce between 80 and 200 kg per hour of raw expanded collets from a variety of grains such as rice, maize, mungbean and soybean.


The MoistScan MA-700 In-Pipe Microwave Moisture Sensor is ideal for monitoring moisture at various points along the processing chain.


KoEx manufactures a range of preconditioning cylinders for the preparation of uniformly mixed and hydrated powders for supply of extrusion cooking systems.

Long Barrel Modular Extruders

KoEx is pleased to announce our new series of Long Barrel Modular Extruders with throughput capacities of up to 6 T/ hr.

The only complete Australian designed and manufactured range of Extruders, readily available with Processing Capacity from Pilot Plant size up to several tones per hour.

KoEx P/L. ( Melbourne - Australia) is well known for quality extrusion cooking machinery and food processing solutions. This range of extruders carries on the tradition. The KL Series Extruders embody the latest design concepts and material technologies with particular attention paid to productivity, hygiene and service life. The KL Series Extruders may be configured for either Cooking or Forming applications whilst the extremely small footprint ensures the efficient use of production floor space.

Standard Features include:

  • Advanced Single Screw Design minimizes capital cost and maximizes production performance.
  • Modular Design reduces spares and repair costs.
  • Advance Surface Technologies improved performance and reduce maintenance demands.
  • KoEx developed Barrel Clamping System significantly reduces maintenance, product change-over and clean-up times.
  • Small Footprint minimizes factory space demands.
  • High Shear (Cooking) and Low Shear (Forming) configurations available for all sizes.

Options include:

  • KoEx developed Die Face Cutters.
  • Variable Area Primary Die makes for easier Start-up and improved Process Control.
  • Steam Preconditioner ensures effective Ingredient Mixing and improved Capacity and Product Quality.
  • Choice of both Barrel and Screw Configurations to optimize the Extruder to your process.
  • Custom Die Design and Manufacture (including Co-Extrusion).
  • Moist//Scan on-line Moisture Analysis and Control.

Extruder Specifications

Model Nominal Capacity (1)
kg hr
Screw Diameter mm Extruder Length mm Main Drive Power (2) kW
KL-75 350 75 900 30.0
KL-100 1000 100 1200 50.0
KL-130 2500 130 1560 75.0
KL-170 4000 170 2040 100.0
KL-220 6000 220 2640 200.0

Steam Preconditioner Specifications

Model Total Length mm Cylinder Diameter mm Working Volume L Motor Power kW
PC-45 1250 260 43 1.5
PC-85 1540 315 86 2.5
PC-180 1950 395 185 4.5
PC-300 2280 455 308 6.5
PC-600 2850 560 615 11.0


  1. The Nominal Rated Capacity refers to the Powder Feed Rate for the processing of a Standard Pet Food Formulation.
  2. The Auger Motor is provided with a Variable Speed Drive.
  3. The Standard Extrusion System is provided with a Basic Control Panel, Volumetric Powder Feeder, Single Shaft Preconditioner and Cutter System (with VSD).